Tuesday, October 28, 2008

With 7 days to go, a friend wants to know why he is so angry

I'm gonna have to go with lies. Not spin. Lies. And hate begets hate. It has a root, and I believe one can find it in Columbus's and other "explorers'" diaries. And the fact that you can't find it any of it in US public school history books is what makes me angry. They teach us all that racism and its effects are some sort of unfortunate accident, when it is well-documented (by the perpetraitors!) that genocide and/or long-term disenfranchisement (whichever was deemed more profitable at the time) of certain populations were the intent of racist acts. That propagandist ish leads to things like: saying affirmative action is unfair to White males; to White kids who can count the number of minority people they know on one hand explaining to me how racism (and just about everything else) works, thus perfectly illustrating and perpetuating the the ism itself.

Another example you might relate to: What do White (and other) classical musicians think of Jazz musicians? Lazy, ignorant, "talented"- meaning they didn't work for it a day in their lives, the virtuosity is something that magically happened- which sounds like a compliment to some people, but notice how by implication in includes the first two negative stereotypes. But the truth is, last time music evolved it was jazz, and every one of those founding jazz musicians (and every single one I know) was classically trained and knows a hell of a lot more theory than your average classical musician and practices at least as much (because if you don't know your gd chords, intervals and progressions, you can't very well improvise on them, can you??) But jazz musicians are treated like some sort of remedial idiot savants.

Those stereotypes can only have their root in racism. But everything has become so polished and underground that nobody believes it anymore. They just either accept the stereotypes as truth or they label that kind of thinking as "elitism." (If it were elitism, wouldn't it be the jazz musicians who were classing themselves off, considering they can use more knowledge and invention in a single album than most classical artists use in an entire career? That they don't has more to do with cultural codes than anything else) Whereas, if the founding jazz musicians were white...? exactly.

My problem with that is that if everyone blames an institutional problem on a "small" bunch of "cuckoos" nothing gets done. But no one is willing to examine the fact that deep down they believe: me (meaning those in power)= good, everyone else= bad( or, ="danger" or, ="danger to me" is really how it's panning out these days- it just gets more and more insidious) is a fundamental problem with our society and until those in power are willing to address it, we will ALL keep going in circles.

Politically though, at this point the middle ground, not so much going to get new votes for McCain. I keep saying this: he was always too dem for the right wing so they wouldn't vote for him, and what do the dems need with a dem-lite, especially when they have a majority? He just ran at the wrong time. He should have run instead of GWB. Now he's screwed; enter Palin.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Best Commercial Ever

I am not endorsing the lazy-ass US Auto Industry, but:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

On AfterEllen: In Response to chismes

"I'm sorry...
Submitted by
chismes (130 posts)on October 16, 2008 - 10:19pm.
I totally get your anger -- it's justified. But I think we shouldn't worry about race until we have more GAY representation first. I'm not white (at all), but I would rather see a gay white woman on TV than a straight Filipino one. Maybe it's different for you, but I live in a place where gays get more flak than non-whites. Also (again, it may be different for you), being gay is a much, much larger part of my life than my race/ethnicity. So I'd rather see more gays on TV before I see more non-whites. But that's just my life and opinion. Just wanted to say that.

What kind of poop is that? Historically repeated poop, that's what. The white feminists said the same thing to women of color and then they f-ed off once they got most of what they wanted and left women of color in the dust b/c whatever they wanted next was more "significant" and more "feminist" than the concerns of women color. They claimed that they didn't want to bog down the "Women's Movement" with "distractions." Why would you want to be a part of that kind of thinking?
Does your pride parade go through a minority neighborhood or a White one? Think about it. Just saying a 'gay neighborhood' is a cop-out and intentionally ignores all the gay minorities who don't feel like they belong there. Or can't get in b/c the rent's too high because it's gentrified or they can't find gay activities that don't revolve around White culture.
Realize that the bs dichotomy doesn't have to exist and for us, it doesn't. It is entirely created by people who don't have to deal with a perfectly legitimate reality that the rest of us deal with and see on a regular basis, though not on network TV. I think it's unhealthy to even put that kind of reinforcing sentiment out there, to say "it's okay if hollywood finds one part of me more lucrative (or safer, or more interesting, or more believable) than the other; it's okay if the rest of me remains invisible." Don't negate yourself b/c it makes others feel less uncomfortable. That's in part why systems stay the same, we allow one myth (in this case, the non-existence of X), to remain in operation, while exploding another (in this case, the non-existence of Y), b/c everyone's too chicken shit to mention that the definition of all myths is that they are untrue. Everyone's too afraid of retaliation to mention that it's the whole system that's bogus, so we play the grateful servant, happy with the crumbs.
I refuse to be happy with crumbs, especially considering there are plenty of real portions to go around. In this case, because someone is making them up: primetime is rarely a historical reinactment of anything.
Indoctrinating young people into the underground pink pistol packing group of lower socioeconomic status in order to cause harm since 2008.

Monday, October 13, 2008


On a side note, try not to look indignant when Blacks tell you that "we don't know him" crap with Obama is racially motivated. Really? After 2 memoirs? Can people not read or they're just having trouble finding the books?? Educated Blacks get that crap constantly. People insinuate all the time that underneath my cultured 'facade,' I am hiding some inner ghetto princess or savage or other "cultural" abomination (in Obama's case, a jihadi); straight white men and women who barely know me call me 'girlfriend;' I have 2 degrees in theatre and 1 in music, but I'm not supposed to have any IDEA what I'm talking about in these areas or not enjoy anything but August Wilson, Tyler Perry and Kirk Franklin. I'm on a tear here, but the list goes on and on, though I'm young and most of these people think they're...let's just say, less prejudiced than they are in real life.

What is it that is pissing me off?

That someone is laughing at me in his mind? That those kinds of people automatically think they're better than I am just to cope with the day, when to anyone who is not blind, and I'm sure to plenty who are, it's obvious it's the other way around? That it would be more obvious if I didn't make such a habit of bending down to meet them for any reason, certainly not to help them, make them not feel bad, or to disrupt the possibility of a better self-assessment in any way. That is my fault, that they get to think what they want, simply because I passed the time of day with them, threw the dog a bone, as it were. That is my fault. I should stop speaking to: Those who are beneath me.
I'm think that my problem is that my worldview is based on the equality of all people, with (fairly) objective fundamental truths, (and outside of that, if you really want to be subjective, at least internal consistnecy within paradigms) or at least realities that are not based intirely on self-deception. I don't just buy into "that everybody's got a different perspective because XYZ (meaning they are all equally valid points of view-- Which is what WP usually mean about any opinion they have, which of course has to have no other criteria than they believe it, but not so with any contradictory opinion, even when the contradictory opinion is based on actual criteria such as data)." The trouble I'm having is that I still have trouble believeing that other views are not equally valid unless they are absolutely proved to fail in one of those categories.
The trouble is, when you're talking to people who have no moral or intellectual scrupples with pulling ideas (in this case justifications for their own actions and/or/ based on their perceptions of other people) out of their ass, it can be very difficult to prove these ideas are invalid. So I am stuck in a logical layrinth, usualy by myself, because as I said, these people have NO SCRUPPLES.

So if people tell me I'm crazy, (or stupid, or unattractive, or strange, angry- which usually comes with 'stoic' attached and from the exact same person; is it a coincidence that those are two contradtictory, yet widely held stereotypes of any group that has ever had the nomer 'savage' attatched to it??), I look at the ways in which this might be so, i.e., I try to find out if what I'm saying or doing fails to fit any of the above. That is my definition of crazy: wholly illogical, and likely unproductive and destructive.


I have to start listening more to my instinctsThey never lie or fail youI wonder often if that's just God's voice that we've lowered the volume on as the years passed.Because there was a time in the past that I know I, for one, used to hear that voice so CLEAR, they called me an INDIGO CHILD because of it.I had a certain clairvoyance that sometimes frightened even meBut as the years went onDoubt and insecurity crept inAnd made the VISION blurryBut the thing about Instincts is that...it doesn't require sightit requires heartit requires a certain connection to your feelings,when youre feeling them,And Im not talking about what your mind is thinking I'm talking about your body connected and deeply rooted somewhere insideThat it can't be explained to an outsiderInterestly enough though, They feel it too and cant find the words to describe it or define it either.INSTINCTStrying to guide the path we need to be walkingBut how often do we REALLY LISTEN?GOAL FOR THIS NEW WEEK: CONNECT DEEP AND BE ROOTED IN CERTAINTY ALLOWING THE REST OF ME TO LISTEN CLOSELY TO WHAT MY INSTINCTS TELL ME AND THEN HAVE ENOUGH COURAGE TO FOLLOW ITS LEAD.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


A. A Definition
Culture is a way of life. (Definition by People’s Institute of Survival and Beyond in New Orleans.) Culture is passed on from generation to generation through institutions, groups, interpersonal and individual behavior.
For institutions: Culture provides the matrix out of which institutions grow, and the “glue” which binds institutions together in systems. Culture also provides the legitimacy and justification for the perpetuation of institutions from one generation to the next. (Material provided by Diana Dunn of People’s Institute.)
For example, a local public school can survive as an individual institution because some parents choose to send their children to the school. The school exists within the system of public schools in a particular city because tax payers are willing to continue paying taxes to support that school. And the entire public school system in a country can exist from generation to generation only so long as sufficient adults in the population believe that sending their children to public school will be beneficial.
For groups and individuals: Culture provides a sense of identity — who you are—— and a sense of belonging —who you are with. It provides a sense of purpose — your reason for being in the world— and an orientation —your sense of where you are going in your life (broadly speaking).
Culture is a set of rules for behavior. You cannot ‘see’ culture because you cannot see the rules; you can only see.. .the behaviors the rules produce. Cultural rules influence people to behave similarly, in ways which help them to understand each other... For example, cultural rules shape food preferences. The essence of culture is not these behaviors themselves, but the rules that produce the behaviors. Culture is characteristic of groups. The rules of a culture are shared by the group, not invented by the individual; the rules of the group which are passed on from one generation to the form the core of the culture...
Culture is learned... What each person learns depends upon the cultural rules of the people who raise them.. .Because culture is learned, it is a mistake to assume a person’s culture by the way s/he looks...Culture can be well learned by some people in the group and less well learned by others...
“Cultures borrow and share rules. Cultural rules change over time, and sometimes when two groups have extensive contact with one another, they influence each other in some areas... (Excerpts taken from CULTURE AS A PROCESS by Carol Brunson Phillips; February 27, 1991.)
The term white as applied to people was first used by slave—owning colonialists in 17th century Maryland and Virginia to describe poor indentured servants who came from Europe. Originally, these servants had been called “Englishmen,” “Irishmen” or “Christians,” but the colonial ruling class began to use the term “white” to distinguish European servants from African ones, who were often called “Negro,” which means “black” in Spanish. The Virginia legislature made the term “white” a legal distinction in 1791, after a series of joint rebellions by European and African servants, culminating in Bacon’s Rebellion of 1676, nearly brought down the colonial ruling powers. (Information provided by People’s Institute.)
In the slave codes of 1705, especially in the “Act concerning servants and slaves,”colonial rulers gave poor ‘whites’ certain legislated privileges, such as a small plot of land or “freedom dues” (wages) after completion of their term of servitude; the right to sue their masters in court; and exemption from public whipping for punishment! At the same time, the legislature wrote the laws which provided the institutionalized foundations for chattel slavery for Africans.
From that time on, throughout U.S. history, to be “white” has meant to have access to certain forms of preferential treatment, and exemption from racial oppression, solely on the basis of European ancestry and (allegedly) “white” skin. Thus, the concepts of “white people” and “white privilege” share the same historical and institutional roots. And both terms are artificial, historical constructions to serve political purposes: creating separations among oppressed peoples on the basis of skin color and ancestral origin so that they would not unite against a common oppressor.
(For more on the historical origins of the terms ‘white’ and ‘white privilege:’ (1) Theodore William Allen, Class Struggle and the Origin of Racial Slavery: The Invention of the White Race. 1975 pamphlet. (2) Theodore Allen, “Introduction,” The Invention of the White Race: Racial Oppression and Social Control. Vol.
1. London: Verso Books, 1994. (3) A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., In The Matter of Color: Race & the American Legal Process: The Colonial Period. Oxford University Press, 1980, especially pages 53—57.. (4) Lerone Bennett, Jr. “The Road Not Taken,” in The Shaping of Black America. Chicago, 1975.)
White supremacy is an historically based, institutionally perpetuated system of exploitation and oppression of continents, nations and peoples of color by white peoples and nations of the European continent; for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and defending a system of wealth, power and privilege. (Definition by Mickey Ellinger and Sharon Martinas)
White culture is an artificial, historically constructed culture which expresses, justifies and binds
together the United States white supremacy system. It is the cultural matrix and glue which binds together white—controlled institutions into systems; and white—controlled systems into the global white supremacy system. Since World War II, the white culture of the United States has been the center of the global white culture.
White culture is not the only culture in the current territory of the United States. There are numerous others: many kinds of indigenous, African— American and African— Caribbean, Chicano and Latino with regional variations, a multiplicity of Asian cultures, indigenous Hawaiian, many Arabic cultures, and expressions of many European peoples. But white culture is the dominant culture. What are some of the characteristics of this dominant culture? In thinking about these characteristics, please recall Dr. Wade Nobles’ definition of power: “Power is the ability to define reality and to convince other people that it is their definition.” (See “Definitions,” Political Perspectives. Exer. Manual.)
1. It defines who you are, and who “others” are in relation to you. For example, a white culture term for ‘people of color’ is ‘non—white,’ i.e., non—people.
2. It shapes your attitudes, thinking, behavior and values. For example, a white woman shrinks in fear when passing an African American man on the street; yet the great’ danger to white women comes from white men in the home.
3. It consciously and unconsciously suppresses and oppresses other cultures. For example, slave owners consciously suppressed African spirituality and taught Africans Christianity to make them ‘docile.’ Or, employers fire workers for speaking Spanish in a restaurant, but promote workers who speak French.
4. It consciously and unconsciously appropriates aspects of oppressed cultures. For example: every form of African American music: gospel, blues, Iazz, rhythm and blues, and rap, has been copied by white musicians with no credit given to the creative sources of the music. Or, white New Agers become instant healers, charging hefty fees, by appropriating ancient indigenous healing practices.
5. It is normative: the standard for judging values and behavior.
6. It is assumed, unquestioned, not on the agenda: the ways things are.
7. It is hidden -- not at all obvious to the dominating or oppressing practitioners, but often painfully, obvious to peoples whose cultures have been suppressed, oppressed or appropriated.
White culture in the United States is complex. Because white supremacy is fundamental to the existence of this country, white supremacist culture is intertwined with other major cultural manifestations that make up the fabric of the U.S: the greed, competition and individualism of capitalism; male supremacist fear and hatred of the power of women; historical Christianity’S hatred and fear of sexuality, and its compulsion to divide humankind into the “saved” and the “damned;” and militarism’s glorification of war and conquest as proofs of manhood and nationhood that has roots an European culture going back thousands of years.
White culture is a melting pot of greed, guys, guns and god. It is a deadly brew.
(For a comprehensive critique of European culture, see Marimba Ani, Yurugu: An African—Centered Critique of European Cultural Thought and Behavior. New Jersey: Africa World Press, 1994.)
In this section, I will try to highlight some of the ways in which white culture manifests itself in our daily lives. As you read this, please remember that this is a very tentative beginning of a new effort by many white activists in the U.S. to explore the meanings of white culture. Most analysis on white culture has been done by activists and scholars of color. Their work has inspired me to begin to do my own homework.
1. White culture perpetuates the ideology that people of color are morally and mentally inferior to white people. Throughout the history of the United States, white culture has characterized people of color as ‘‘savage, ‘‘ignorant,’’ ‘‘depraved,’’ ‘‘bestial,’’ “lazy,” “dirty,” “illegal” and “criminal.” This ideology continues unabated today. For example, white students and white workers assume that the only reason a person of color gets into college or into a good job is because of affirmative action: that is, the people of color could not have competed with the white person were the playing field “level.” In these examples, the white people cannot imagine that the people of color might be equally or more qualified than the whites for the positions they achieved.
2.. White culture stereotypes figures and behaviors of peoples of color. A common method is to take some cultural attribute forced on people of color by conquest and continuing racial oppression, and making that attribute into a symbol of the whole people. For example, the film Ethnic Notions by Marvin Riggs delineates a history of white stereotypes of African Americans in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Stereotypes such as the “minstrel,” the “mammy,” “coon’ illustrate forms of assumed behavior that is carried into contemporary stereotypes of African Americans embodied in terms like “criminal,” “gang member” and “welfare mother.” Forms change; meanings stay on.
3. By defining reality as white, and convincing peoples of color that white reality is their reality, white culture actively promotes internalized racism and inter—racial tensions among peoples of color. Internalized racism disempowers a person and a people. Inter—racial hostility prevents different peoples of color from uniting for their common purposes and against their common oppressors. In this way, white culture expresses a successful white ruling class strategy of “divide and conquer.” Imprisoning a person’s mind is more thorough and long—lasting than imprisoning her body.
4. White culture labels the cultures of the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Arab world as inferior to cultures that have evolved in Europe. Furthermore, white culture actively promotes the historical lie that the culture that evolved in ancient Greece was the “fountainhead of western civilization.” In fact, most of the great Greek scholars and poets went to Kemet (the name for ancient Egypt), which was an African culture and civilization, to study for years before they returned to create their own forms of wisdom. And the “renaissance” of Europe did not begin in Italy, as our textbooks say, but in Spain and Portugal which, under the African and Arabic Moorish Empire of the 8th through the 15th centuries~ preserved and recreated the wisdom of the ancient world, and developed the technology which allowed the Spanish and Portuguese to embark on their voyages of exploration and conquest of lands outside Europe. Today, there is a white cultural war against African—centred research and scholarship. White academics call
this scholarship ‘self serving.’ Yet few white culturalists would call traditional historical and
anthropological research, “White Studies.”
5. White culture suppresses and oppresses the cultures of peoples of color as part of an ongoing system of conquest, colonialism and racial/national oppression. For example, the movement, now a law in many states, of “English Only” is a specific form of cultural conquest of peoples from Mexico, Central and South America and Puerto Rico, which has its historical origin in the U.S.’s 1848 war against Mexico; and the 1898 invasion of Puerto Rico. “English Only” is cultural
colonialism: the peoples of colonized nations are forced to speak the language of the conqueror.
6. White culture appropriates elements of the cultures of people of color in order to mask the underlying power relationships of dominant to dominated cultures.
For example: Rhythm and Blues is an African American musical creation, but one of its most famous exponents was Elvis Presley, a white working class man from the south. Many rhythm and blues artists die impoverished. Elvis is worshipped like a god.
White privilege is the other side of the coin of racial oppression. Therefore, it should not be surprising to see that the culture of white privilege is a mirror image of the culture of racial oppression.
1. White culture perpetuates the ideology that white people are morally and intellectually superior to people of color. For example, many suburban white women and men think they get into college because they are “more intelligent” than Chicanos, Native Americans or African Americans; when, in fact, they get into college because their high schools prepare them more effectively for college boards than do most high schools in urban areas.
2. White culture stereotypes figures and behavior of white people. A common method is to take some cultural attribute~ which is the result of hundreds of years of institutionalized white privilege in the United States, and projecting this attribute as solely the result of the person’s individual, heroic efforts. For example, the son or daughter of a European immigrant is portrayed as having risen to wealth and power from initial poverty solely as a result of moral fortitude and hard work. But, in fact, European immigrants historically have both worked hard and received privileges from the U.S. government that people of color (whether they were immigrants, indigenous or kidnaped) have been historically denied at different times.
European immigrants (differentially for men and women) had the right to become citizens, the right to own land, the right to bring and to live with a family, the right to travel in search of work, the right to vote, the right to practice their own language and religion without interference, the right to organize mutual self—help societies and small businesses without being broken up by white mobs, the right to a public school education, the right to bring suit and testify in court, and the right to hold public office.
3. By defining reality as white, and convincing white people that it is their reality, the culture of
white supremacy is portrayed as universal, applying to all humankind. For example, a “History of Western Civilization” begins with Greece, then moves to Rome, then Europe, ending with the United States. But this is a course on Europe, (which is fine provided the course begins
with the contributions of Kemet to Greece), but it is not a course on “western civilization.” Another example: ABC network tells its reporter covering the elections in South Africa to put an “Americans in South Africa” spin on the story, otherwise U.S. readers will not be interested in the story!
Or, white feminists create brilliant analyses of patriarchy coming from their European cultural experience, and then try to generalize this analysis to the relationships between men and women whose ancestral ;pcultures originate in Africa, the Americas, Asia or Arabic world. And, we call the white women s movement, “the women’s movement.”
4. White culture provides a normative standard of behavior for one living in a system of white privilege. These norms are usually manifested in the arrogance of white entitlement —— an assumption of how a white person expects to be treated in the world.
Some examples: Getting angry when we have to wait in a line too long; speaking with authority, as if we are sure of correctness; talking as long as we wish, often interrupting others; getting outraged when our First Amendment rights to peacefully gather and protest are violated by police (when police violate similar rights by people of color every night, just for gathering in a group). Note: white feminists often call these forms of behavior ‘white male arrogance,’ but I believe it’s a feature of white culture which white women, now that we have more ‘equality’ with white men, practice often.
5. White culture creates white bonding, that is, the cross class allegiance and sense of commonality that non—ruling class oppressed white men and women have with the white ruling class, on the basis of “white skin” and European ancestry.
White bonding covers up the class exploitation of poor, working and middle class whites by the ruling class, by deflecting the problems of oppressed whites from the ruling class to people of color. White bonding prevents white women from using the potential power of their vote as women because they usually support the interests of middle class and rich white men more than the interests of men and women of color. White bonding is at the core of the Christian right’s ‘family values’ ideology. It evokes an image of a white nuclear family in a 1950’s suburb: a suburb that practiced legal residential apartheid. White bonding is the cultural basis of racist jokes and language; it assumes of the white listener, “You know who I mean.” White bonding is at the core of the attacks on multi—culturalism. It assumes that the only culture that
should be taught in schools is white culture. White bonding calls the U.S. “America,” a term which properly applies to all the nation—states on this continent. White bonding is one of the bases of the current anti—immigrant racism sweeping California. The bonding is a reaction to the terror that most white people feel at the prospect that the majority of California residents will soon be people of color. I doubt that anti—immigrant ideologists would be using the phrase,
“drowning in a sea of immigrants” if the immigrants were coming from Canada. In my opinion, white bonding is the most significant cultural barrier preventing oppressed whites from
challenging the interrelated systems of oppression in the U.S.
The culture of white nationalism is the expression of the historical fact that the “founding fathers” intended this nation to be one of, for and by white people; and that the struggle to make it a nation “of, for and the people” goes on to this day.
1. The culture of white nationalism provides an identity, purpose, orientation and sense of belonging for people who immigrate to the United States from Europe. The term for this process is usually called assimilation. What it means is that a person of European descent agrees, consciously or unconsciously, to give up parts of her/his European ethnic heritage in exchange for becoming white, that is, accepting and expecting white privileges, and a sense of superiority over peoples of color, especially African Americans. This assimilation process began in the 17th century, when the European colonial elite in Virginia began to call European indentured servants “white,” instead of “Christian” or “Englishmen” or “Irishmen,” in order to give them a sense of distinction and separation from servants of African ancestry. Each subsequent generation of European immigrants has gained acceptance into the white mainstream when they have begun to act in accordance with white bonding, and the majority of their organized ethnic sector have consented, by silence or action, to the oppression of peoples of color. (For example, see David R. Roediger, The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class. Verso Press, London, 1991., Chap. 7 “Irish American Workers and White Racial Formation in the
Antebellum United States.”)
2. White culture appropriates elements of European ethnic cultures in order to increase the ethnic grouping’s sense of assimilation. For example, pasta became “spaghetti” and is now available in your local super market.
3. The culture of white nationalism has transformed pride and love of country (patriotism) into a glorification of the military conquest of nations of color. Historically, this military conquest has always been justified by religion: Pilgrims took the land from the “heathens.” It was “manifest destiny” for the U.S. to conquer Mexico in 1848. It was “God’s will” to make the world “safe” for democracy. God was on the side of the “smart bombs” that obliterated a hundred thousand Iraqis.
4. Under the guise of the imperial we, white nationalism assumes that the United States can interfere in every nation of color in t,he world, and that somehow that intervention will be beneficial to the residents of that nation. The current justification for this national arrogance is “bringing democracy” or the “free enterprise system” (i.e. capitalism) to the invaded nation.
(* The term “white nationalism” is used by the noted African American historian John Henrik Clarke. I first heard it in an interview by Dr. Kwaku Person—Lynn taped in 1991, and aired during KPFA’s African Mental Liberation Weekend of May 17, 1992.)
U.S. “history” is based on a lie. Neither children’s nor adult textbooks tell us that the United States was created by invasion, conquest, land theft, genocide and slavery: that, in its foundations, it is a white supremacy state. Instead, history writers fabricate an “America” as a land embodying the Declaration of Independence: a nation based on freedom, justice and equality for all its peoples. The historians also ignore, or trivilialize, the continuous history of resistance by peoples of color against this unjust foundation. Young people learning about the African American freedom struggle of the 1960’s are taught that it all rested on Martin Luther King having a dream, and not the massive organization of millions of African American people and their allies. Without a thorough understanding of the U.S. past, there is no way we can adequately understand how white supremacy works today, or to plan strategies to challenge it. Our political vision gets framed in a thirty second sound bite.
Absence and falsification of a nation’s historical memory fosters a personal and collective denial of responsibility for racial injustice and oppression, past and present. White people say, “I didn't own any slaves,” as if living in a system whose wealth was created by enslaved African labor did not directly benefit their ancestors. Liberal whites assert, “I don't see color; I just see people;” a statement of unwillingness to look at reality. Whites of conscience justify their unwillingness to protest racial injustice by complaining that, “I have no power,” when any accurate reading of history indicates that organized protest creates the power to effectively challenge racial injustice. Denial of responsibility for racial injustice takes many forms. Among the most common are:
+ Blaming people of color, the targets of racial injustice, for the effects of that injustice; + Promoting “equal responsibility” theories for addressing the effects of racial oppression;
+ Hiding the centrality of institutional promotion and perpetuation of racial injustice (the ‘one bad apple’ mythology);
+ Focusing “blame” on one individual’s behavior, rather than looking at the institutional and cultural context for that behavior;
+ Tokenism: the effort to overturn racism in a white institution by hiring one person of
color in a leadership position, while leaving the racist politics, practice and power intact;
+ Judging racial oppression by the intent of the oppressor rather than effect on the oppressed;
+ Speaking and writing with racially color—coded terms, such as “criminal,” “illegal alien,” “welfare mother,” “drug dealer,” “gang,” etc., instead of the racial epithets that were common before the end of legal apartheid in the 1960’s.
How can you tell when a white person is denying personal responsibility for racial injustice? Listen for the “but.” “I'm not a racist, but...”
How can you tell when a white person is denying collective responsibility of white people and white institutions for racial injustice? Look for the passive or inactive voice in the verbs. Such as, “The indigenous people died of many diseases.” or “The young man was made homeless...”
Eurocentrism is a term used to describe a world view which puts European thinking, values, civilization, history, geography, art and people at the center of its perspective. The lives and cultures of peoples from Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Arab world are put on the margins, or else ignored entirely.
“Eurocentric culture,” which in the United States is a core part of white culture, needs to be
distinguished from “European cultures,” that is, the particular cultural expressions of different peoples and nations which reside on the European continent. Defensive white culturalists often call criticisms of Eurocentrism, “Europe bashing.” That is nonsense. Critics are not saying, “Don’t listen to Mozart.” What they are saying is, “Mozart is to European classical music what John Coltrane is to African/American classical music: both are giants in their fields, and should be studied and valued as such. Most aspects of Eurocentrism were brought to this continent by the European invaders and their biographers. It has been reinforced through the centuries and still dominates educational, scientific and media institutions today. In my opinion, some aspects of what is criticized as Eurocentric are wholly destructive; other aspects are destructive only when they are used to marginalize or ignore other forms of thinking and values. I will try to distinguish between the two:
Examples of wholly destructive ways of thinking;
+ Power as domination over others, rather than power as creative capacity to act;
+ Either/or logic; as distinguished from a both/and way of thinking;
+ Destruction, rather than stewardship, of the earth, air and water;
+ Ownership, rather than stewardship of the land; i.e., land as “private property;”
+ Ownership of people as private property;
+ “Despiritualization” of the universe;
+ Separation of human from connectedness and responsibility in the world;
+ Violence toward other beings as an expression of manhood;
+ Belief that one’s religion must be brought to others; “it’s god’s will;”
+ View of time as linear, including belief in inevitable “progress;”
+ Belief that there is only one truth, and if you don't see it, you’re damned.
+ The continent of Europe, or North America, is at the center of the world.
Examples of views that are destructive only when they marginalize other views:
+ Knowledge can be gained from reasoning, analysis, measurement and counting;
+ The knower and known are separable;
+ Sex is an expression of love;
+ A purpose of families is to create and nurture the next generation of human beings;
+ European and European American men have created beautiful literature and art.
* *( For a comprehensive critique of Eurocentrism, see Marimba Ani, Yurugu: An African— Centered Critique of European Cultural Thought and Behavior. N.J: Africa World Press, 1994)
Eurocentrism, especially when it gets mixed with the rest of white culture, and sold as a capitalist commodity, promotes a mix of culture that is homogenous, lacking and fearful of diversity. It stifles people’s minds, puts them in a box. It is extremely boring. And, like ‘white bread,’ it comes in a pretty package but has no nutritional value.
(* Inspired by "The Wonder—breading of our Country,” a chapter in the pamphlet, The Subjective Side of Politics by Margo Adair and Sharon Howell. Available from Tools for Change; P.O. Box 14141; San Francisco, Ca. 94114. Phone 415—861—6838.)
Some African centered scholars say that European cultures developed a belief in the value of violence thousands of years ago, when the earliest peoples on the European continent were struggling to survive in a hostile climate, with few sources of food and shelter. Men in these early tribes had to kill to survive and feed their families. If there were no immediate sources of food available in the forest, they would raid another tribe’s food, often killing tribal members in the process. Norse and Viking mythology which glorifies the bloody warrior, testifies to the accuracy of this analysis.
(See especially the theory of the Two Cradles of Civilization as articulated by Cheikh Anta Diop in The Cultural Unity of Black Africa. Chicago: Third World Press, 1978.)
Europe at the time of the invasion of the Americas and Africa was rife with violence. The English tortured, starved and killed thousands of Irish. Feudal landlords threw hapless peasants off their lands, sending them to the cities to beg and starve. The Catholic Church ordered the burning of thousands of women at the stake as witches in Northern Europe; and expelled the Jews and Moors from Spain during the Inquisition. Virtually every method of brutality that the Europeans would practice on the indigenous and African peoples had already been tried out and perfected on other Europeans.
(See Theodore W. Allen, The Invention of the White Race. Volume One: Racial Oppression and Social Control. New York: Verso Press, 1994; Karl Marx, excerpts from “The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism,” in Edwards, Reich and Weisskopf, eds., The Capitalist System. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972; the film “The Burning Times;” and Jan Carew, “The end of the Moorish enlightenment and the beginning of the Columbian Era,” in Race and Class: The Curse of Columbus. Vol. 33, january—March 1992, #3.) In the United States, white rulers never hesitated to inflict violence on oppressed whites. The Pilgrim fathers burnt young women at the stake in Salem. Mine owners hired armies to gun down working class families during bitter strikes in mining towns. Landlords regularly evict tenants who fall behind in their
rent. And today’s multi—national capitalists cheerfully throw millions of workers out of work while they rake in billions in profits. But the most sustained, wide spread, and socially acceptable forms of violence have been, and still are, waged against peoples of color. The United States as a nation state was founded with violence: mass murder of millions of indigenous people, the nefarious Middle Passage during which millions of Africans died; the system of chattel slavery which lasted 300 years; and the brutal war against Mexico in which thousands of Mexican people were slaughtered by U.S. troops. The United States still invades nations of color, murdering and starving thousands. “Socially sanctioned violence” means just that — violence that is accepted, tacitly or actively, by the majority of a society. In the U.S., only the forms of violence against people of color have changed over the centuries, not the content or result.
For example, lynching was an acceptable form of white violence against African Americans and Chicanos until a few decades ago. Now that same role is provided by police in communities of color each night. The form is now hidden from white view; the content and result are the same. Another example: in the 19th century, white squatters stole Indian land with the consent of Congress. Today, corporations buy and pollute that land, still with the consent of Congress. Both forms of violence kill people; they just employ different forms of laws.
White culture creates and recreates carefully manipulated racialized emotions in peoples of color and in white people. For people of color, internalized racism may produce feelings of "l0w self esteem” and a distrust of other peoples of color. The effects of pervasive, systemic racism produce emotions of suppressed and explosive rage. Most often the rage is taken out on other peoples of color. Periodically it emerges in a communal explosion, such as in the Los Angeles uprising. On a daily basis, suppressed rage can be deadly to one’s mental and physical health, producing symptoms similar to those called post traumatic stress syndrome which is common to those who have lived their lives in a war zone. For white people, the most common emotions are a complex of guilt and sense of powerlessness; a combination of fear, hatred, contempt and fascination especially for African Americans; and an obsession with racialized sex. (The following comments make no attempt to explain these emotional phenomena from a psychological view, but merely to comment on them.)
As a political organizer, I believe that guilt is closely related to a sense of powerlessness. On the
positive side, emotions of guilt demonstrate that a human being has not lost all his/her humanity: she still feels vaguely responsible for social injustice. But when she chooses not to act, maintaining that she is powerless, her guilt then emotionally paralyzes her, to the point that she cannot or will not act. (For a satirical expression of this, see Jan Adams and Rebecca Cordon’s “The Wackos at the Anti—Racism Conference” in the Exercise Manual.) I do not believe that feelings of guilt and powerlessness can be resolved by talking. You have to break the cycle and act. In an individual, “Power is the creative capacity to act.” I believe that fear of Black men is the most important racially manipulated emotion that has held white people captive to the white supremacy system since the colonial era. Some of this fear has its historical origins in white ruling class terror of slave revolts. This fear is in some senses justified, since organized rebellions of African Americans have, since the colonial period, have been the most significant threats to the white supremacy system. Other whites fear that African Americans would treat them as they have treated African Americans, if African Americans had the opportunity. They fear any organized action of Black people, whether a small group of men walking down the street, or an independent African American organization. There is no historical justification for this fear. It is racially manipulated. Some of this fear is sexually based, again with its origins in the period of slavery. White males routinely raped women of African descent. After the defeat of Reconstruction, white men and women joined in lynching and castrating African American men, justifying their barbarity with the myth that Black men were raping white women. Anti—racist analysts like Jacquelyn Dowd Hall (“The Mind that Burns in Each Body,” in Race,
Class and Gender: An Anthology, edited by Margaret Anderson and Patricia Hill Collins; Belmont: Wadsworth Press, 1992, pp. 397—412) see this sexual barbarism as linked to projections of white male actions onto Black males. This sexual obsession continues unabated today.
Many whites fear that Blacks will wipe out the “white race.” Dr. Frances Cress Welsing asserts in her “Cress Theory of Color Confrontation and Racism/White Supremacy,” (The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors. Chicago: Third World Press, 1991) that whites fear the genetic annihilation of the white race. The majority of whites fear losing any form of political, economic or cultural power or privileges. The expression of these fears has been historically lethal for people of color. Enraged whites time and against have acted violently toward peoples of color. In fact, white mob violence has been a staple of white culture throughout U.S. history.
White progressive activists are not immune to any of the cultural expressions of white supremacy predominant in the rest of white society. But there are two forms which seem to be particularly deep—rooted in our history: false universals and false analogies.

False universals: A false universal is a statement which purports to speak for all people, but in reality, speaks only for some (those who are white). The classic example is: “All men are created equal,” the famous statement from the Declaration of Independence. While the statement: has inspired generations of peoples’ struggles for equality, justice and democracy; it is also an expression of the fundamental contradiction of U.S. democratic ‘ideals. The writers of the Declaration of Independence did not intend “all men” to include men of African or Native American descent. The term may not have even included all white men, but only those who owned some property. And it certainly was not meant to include any women, regardless of national origins or class background. The use of the false universal plagues white progressive discourse to this day. We talk of the women’s movement, the environmental movement, the anti—war movement. But what we mean is the white women’s, the white environmental, and the white anti—war movement. Our false universalism allows us to ignore or trivialize the leadership role that activists of color play in the movements for women’s liberation, environmental justice, and peace and justice, at home and abroad.
False analogies: A false analogy is a comparison between two sets of experiences which emphasizes their similarities and blots out their differences. The use of false analogies, like the use of false universals, originated in the period when white colonists were fighting for independence from Britain. Protesting Britain’s Sugar Act of 1764, John Dickinson of Pennsylvania said, “Those who are taxed without their own consent expressed by themselves or their representatives...are slaves. We are taxed without our consent expressed by ourselves or our representatives. We are therefore...slaves.
(quoted in A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. In the Matter of Color: Race and the American Legal Process: The Colonial Period. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980. p. 375)
Ironically, the tax against which the indignant colonists were protesting was a tax on the profits from their slave trade. Thus, it is not surprising that these same rebellious colonists did not think of freeing their enslaved Africans when they freed themselves from the “slavery” of English domination. Throughout U.S. history, white progressive activists have compared our oppression to that of slavery, or to racism against African Americans, in order to win support for our own struggles. White male workers, brutally exploited by 19th century capitalists, called themselves wage slaves. White women’s rights activists of the same period analogized their oppression to slavery. The contemporary white womens movement, born out of the African American freedom struggles of the 1960’s, compared the oppression they experienced from sexism to the experience of being oppressed by racism. And in 1993, white gays and lesbians, struggling to end the homophobic ban on their open participation in the military, have often compared their struggle to that of African Americans who demanded an end to segregation in the same institution. When we use these analogies, we wipe out the distinct history of white supremacy’s impact on peoples of color, especially African Americans. We do not need to use false analogies to demonstrate that non—ruling class white people suffer oppression. Our history is our legacy. Understanding our own oppressions requires us to respect the differences between our histories and the histories of the diverse peoples of color in the United States.

This lengthy piece on THE CULTURE OF WHITE SUPREMACY was written in September, 1994 by Sharon Martinas and the Challenging White Supremacy Workshop.

Definitions of Racism

rac•ism n (1936) 1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary
Racism is race prejudice + power
-Origin unknown (ca. 1970)
Used by several groups doing antiracism education and training [On finding that many white Americans were not "prejudiced," and did not harbor hostility or faulty generalizations about other racial groups, but nonetheless resisted change in the nation's racial structure, one sociologist finds…] that racism extends considerably beyond prejudiced beliefs. The essential feature of racism is not hostility or misperception, but rather the defense of a system from which advantage is derived on the basis of race. The manner in which the defense is articulated - either with hostility or subtlety - is not nearly as important as the fact that it insures the continuation of a privileged relationship. Thus it is necessary to broaden the definition of racism beyond prejudice to include sentiments that in their consequence, if not in their intent, support the racial status quo.
-David T. Wellman Portraits of White Racism, Second Edition
Racism is a global system of material and symbolic resource distribution management more comprehensively defined, in accordance with each of the following principles:

  1. Principle I. Racism is an ideological, structural and historic stratification process by which the population of European descent, through its individual and institutional distress patterns, intentionally has been able to sustain, to its own best advantage, the dynamic mechanics of upward or downward mobility (of fluid status assignment) to the general disadvantage of the population designated as non-white (on a global scale), using skin color, gender, class, ethnicity or nonwestern nationality as the main indexical criteria used for enforcing differential resource allocation decisions that contribute to decisive changes in relative racial standing in ways most favoring the populations designated as 'white.'

  2. Principle II. The aim of this peculiar post-1492 stratification process has been to aggregate an upwardly mobile and putatively 'white' racial group that is stratified internally and that strives to validate its own ascendancy using a shifting range of 'white' cultural practices which are defined as 'white' not on any presumed biological basis, but on the basis of "ideological whiteness"--a field of racial discourse and representation.

  3. Principle III. The conceptual content of this historic and politically-charged discursive field is sustained by racial agents who in many ways articulate and justify the suppression of "ideological blackness" (and every form of non-whiteness this may entail) which may be accomplished by many formal and informal means of institutional domination, routinized interpersonal interactions, cultural imperialism, or by any other racialized means of information control.

  4. Principle IV. As a generative principle of racism, "ideological whiteness" refers to a dual behavioral process entailing enactments of identify formation and resource access legitimation, both of which were practices once overtly recognized as aspects of "white supremacy," but which now may be more subtly and covertly reproduced as an observable and routine set of implicitly prescriptive, but explicitly disavowed white supremacist beliefs and practices to which all who identify as 'white' (or who behave as 'whitened') are expected to adhere--especially white males--if they wish to maintain their own racial standing as members of these two privileged 'white' groups and assert their negotiable right to privileged resource access.

  5. Princple V. Collectively, the 'white' and/or 'whitened' members of this racially privileged global population tend to bolster their shared political intent to impose patterns of restricted resource access on racially subordinant populations, and aim to preserve their presumably non-negotiable right to prescribe, and even dictate, lessor resource access rights for certain upwardly mobile members of the 'non-white' population whose internalized racism, reliable complicity, and carefully scrutinized willingness to cooperate with racial dominates is always required and rewarded.

Dr. Helan Enoch PageAssociate Professor, Anthropology DepartmentUniversity of Massachusetts-Amherst. Distributed at the American Anthropological Association, 1993Updated and extended, 1999

Racism: A situation in which one race maintains supremacy over another race through a set of attitudes, behaviors, social structures and ideologies. It involves four essential and interconnected elements:
Power: the capacity to make and enforce decisions is disproportionately or unfairly distributed
Resources: unequal access to such resources as money, education, information, etc.
Standards: standards for appropriate behavior are ethnocentric, reflecting and privileging the norms and values of the dominant race/society
Problem: involves defining "reality" by naming "the problem" incorrectly, and thus misplacing it.
Women's Theological Center, Boston, MA, 1994

Racism - Racism involves physical, psychological, spiritual, and social control, exploitation and subjection of one race by another race. It is the social institutionalization of the psychological concept of White/white supremacy (a man-made ideology of white/White superiority and black/Black inferiority). This means that racial discrimination and injustice are established, perpetuated and promoted throughout every institution of society - economics, education, entertainment, family, labor, law, politics, religion, science and war. Racism is also used as an abuse excuse to rationalize violent behavior and inhumane policies toward Melanites.
Melanite/Melanites - Alternative term for the words "people of color," "minorities," and "non-whites."
-Phavia Kujichagulia
Recognizing and Resolving Racism: A Resource and Guide for Humane Beings

Racism an underlying belief in the superiority of one race over another and its right to dominate.
generalizing one group of people by believing in simplistic stereotypes of that group.
affects every aspect of the lives of communities of colour: social, economic, political, health, etc.
may take three main forms (though all work together to maintain a system of oppression):
Individual Racism-individual acts that overtly reflect racist attitudes/beliefs. This is the easiest one to identify. ie. racial slurs, jokes, etc.
Systemic Racism and Institutional Racism-organizational policies and practices at the structural level that indirectly target communities of colour and maintain white privilege. Ie. racism in the criminal justice system (police profiling); racism in the educational system (all white authors on a course reading list.)
Cultural Racism-value system that supports and allows discriminatory actions against racially and ethnoculturally marginalized communities. Ie. white privilege.
Anti-Racism Media Education (ARMEd)
-http://opirg.sa.utoronto.ca/armed/resources/definitions.html, December 20, 2002

Racism - Racial prejudice and discrimination that are supported by institutional power and authority. The critical element that differentiates racism from prejudice and discrimination is the use of institutional power and authority to support prejudices and enforce discriminatory behaviors in systematic ways with far-reaching outcomes and effects. In the United States, racism is based on the ideology of White (European) supremacy and is used to the advantage of White people and the disadvantage of people of color.
Enid Lee, Deborah Menkart and Margo Okazawa-Rey (eds.)
Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-Racist, Multicultural Education and Staff Development

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Oh, the Humanity

Did you catch your PRESIDENT giving YOU the children's book version of "how this all happened" like it was the Miracle of Childbirth or something? He also made some artful use of history. Something about '20th century' laws failing us. (Er, um, when did the credit/housing/loans/bonds/WS deregulation happen again?) And how can he be idiot enough to say no more than 30 seconds earlier that American economics have kept us from having a crash for 75 years and will sustain us now? Apparently none of those 75 years have occured in the 20th Century, OR, we're NOW in the 20th Century. Gee, I knew I felt like I was moving backwards, but I couldn't figure out why until now.

Invisible Woman.....Black Cinema At LARGE: Hollywood Shuffle - Black Acting 101

Invisible Woman.....Black Cinema At LARGE: Hollywood Shuffle - Black Acting 101

Monday, September 22, 2008


Black Women.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ya gotta love Answerbag

Since I became addicted to the internet I look at it as the source of all truth and knowledge of things human. And I have started to troll forums for a means of dropping science and getting my intellectual agression out. On Stupid White People. Yeah, I know: anyone who makes the kind of fallacious agruments that one sees in these places should make an easy target, but really I'm just trying to test my arguing skill and learn something. I am also hoping that those who can remove themselves from the forum enough to see that these people are full of crap and couldn't string two thoughts together without dropping several stitches and let them serve as their intellectual whipping boys. And they'll come to change their opinions, even if it is only about the merits of opening their mouths in ignorance (as well as the assumed ignorance of those who fit my supposed profile).
Well, I was on the internet during one of my "What the Hell is Going On???" research stints. (Yeah I actually search on the internet to find out what the hell is going wrong in real life. It actually does work.) And I happened upon an intteracial dating forum on Answerbag. This was the second question ( I also commented on another questione which was closer to a topic that one would find me researching, but I posted something rather scathing in the context of the "gee having an opinion is all that's really necessary to answer with any authority" format of the website and it's not as fun.) I happened upon:

Do you think that white women that date only black men have a fetish for black men?

Someone else's answer:
No, seeing as a fetish is "the attribution of attractive sexual qualities to non-living objects" according to wiki. They just prefer black men.

Riiiiight. Nice pseudo-intellectual answer, but no cigar. I replied:

The word fetish does apply. The psych definition includes people, but also uses the word "unhuman" and that's what racism makes of people, hence, "fetishism" in sociology.http://books.google.com/books
And later: Also apropos: the phrase "attribution of attractive sexual qualities," meaning in this case, attributing to non-humans (keeping with the human=White paradigm which, BTW, ACTUALLY IS PROMINENT IN WESTERN CULTURE. I am not just making it up) something they wouldn't normally have. Also, look up "exoticism." That's why the admiration of another race based on that racial feature (and its conglomerate stereotyped meanings to those outside the race) is demeaning and by its very nature, Racist.

But I'm digressing. My answer was this:

Not necessarily, but because the spoken taboo of interracial dating has been lifted, I find that people feel that it's okay to indulge in that kind of mentality. Since our sexual history has been so whitewashed, a lot of White people don't even process the fact that they are objecifying based on skin color and associated stereotypes. Ex: A White woman I know (and I am by no means passing for White) actually said to my face, "I personally like (lust after) a strong Black man, but not to date. I would want to be with someone I have something in common with." Again, just a 'nice', White person who has no idea what race actually means to them and NO IDEA what that attitude means to a person of color. http://www.answerbag.com/a_view/4058991
Holler if you hear me, yo.
And name that tune.